I get so excited when asparagus season comes around over here in the UK, I don't know about where you are, but it's brief, so you have to make the most of those divine green stalks! It's autumn here and I'm making all kinds of crostata, they just make the most fabulous dinner. Will definitely be having a go at your springtime version 😍
It’s such a great time of year Jack! It’s also very brief here in New Zealand ~ and unfortunately it doesn’t store very well when frozen etc so really need to go all out on the fresh stuff when it’s around. Hope the autumn cooking goes well ~ autumn persimmons sliced thinly would go great on a crostata!
I get so excited when asparagus season comes around over here in the UK, I don't know about where you are, but it's brief, so you have to make the most of those divine green stalks! It's autumn here and I'm making all kinds of crostata, they just make the most fabulous dinner. Will definitely be having a go at your springtime version 😍
It’s such a great time of year Jack! It’s also very brief here in New Zealand ~ and unfortunately it doesn’t store very well when frozen etc so really need to go all out on the fresh stuff when it’s around. Hope the autumn cooking goes well ~ autumn persimmons sliced thinly would go great on a crostata!